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Top tips from the Namibia Convention Tour

Get the inside scoop on what our Group Coordinators learned during the Namibia Convention Tour and how it can help you create a long-lasting travel program.

Group Coordinators returned from our Namibia Convention Tour with a new passport stamp and a wealth of recruiting tips. Read on to get the inside scoop on what they learned during the trip and how it can help you create a long-lasting travel program.


How to find new group members

One of the main topics of conversation during the Convention Tour was the importance of recruiting new travelers. Bringing in fresh faces helps you grow your travel program and spread the word to more people in your community. Here are the best pieces of advice our Group Coordinators and staff members shared about how to find new travelers.

  • Make multiple personal connections with each potential group member. They need to hear about your trip at least six different times from different sources like Facebook, email, over the phone, or in person.
  • Build a sense of FOMO, that means fear of missing out, by posting photos on Facebook while traveling.
  • Offer free excursions or additional money off of the tour to group members who sign up early.
  • Incentivize group members who bring a friend to the recruitment meeting or refer a friend to travel with you.
  • Create urgency by setting strict deadlines and advertising that there are limited spots available and they’re filling up fast.

Check out more recruiting tips from one of our Group Coordinators.


How to retain loyal group members

The other topic the group loved talking about? The importance of making sure their travelers always want to join them for one more adventure. By having loyal group members, you’ll have to do less work to recruit travelers for your next trip. Plus, they’re more likely to bring new friends with them on future tours. Check out how the Group Coordinators make sure their first-time travelers become lifetime group members.

  • Give away free excursions to loyal travelers.
  • Host get-togethers before and after the tour to create a close group dynamic.
  • Make sure you have your next tour set up before departing on your first tour so people can sign up when they get home.
  • Send out a gift—like a photo book, photo magnet, or calendar with photos—after returning home from tour so they remember your trip and want to sign up for the next one.
  • Remind them of the Club Go discounts they receive through Go Ahead Tours, including the $100 welcome home credit that is combinable with all other discounts.

Read more tips from our 2018 Canadian Rockies Convention Tour.


How to engage travelers on social media

Jessica, Vice President of Marketing, led a session during the Convention Tour about how to make your posts stand out on social media. The goal of all your posts should be to get as many likes and comments as possible. The more people interact with your posts, the higher they appear in your friends’ feeds and that means more people are likely to see them. Read on for her expert tips.

  • Post questions like “We’re heading to Italy, what are you most looking forward to seeing?” rather than statements like “We’re going to Italy, you should join.” This encourages more people to comment on and like your posts.
  • Keep engagement up with fun posts like TBT (Throwback Thursday), travel tips Tuesdays, or inspirational quotes with photos.
  • Build FOMO by posting photos of how much fun you’re having on tour so that everyone at home won’t want to miss your next trip.
  • Use both posts and stories to engage your travelers.
  • Use photos that make people feel like they are in the destination or could imagine themselves there. While landscape photos are nice to look at, someone eating gelato or riding in a gondola may be more effective.

Learn more about our Group Coordinator Convention Tours.

How do you welcome new group members and inspire repeat travelers to join you on tour? Let us know on our Group Coordinator Facebook Page!

About the author

Emily Houston

Emily loves the simple travel moments—like watching hours pass by in minutes while sharing a meal and a laugh (or many) with her friends and family. Outside the office, you'll find Emily listening to anything and everything John Mayer, attempting to cook a New York Times recipe, or dreaming up her next trip.

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