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Our expert tips: Packing made easy

As a company of passionate travelers, we’ve collectively been all over the world. So how do we sidestep suitcase woes like over-packing, disorganization and wrinkled clothes on arrival? Read on for our favorite tips.

As a company of passionate travelers, we’ve collectively been all over the world. So how do we sidestep suitcase woes like over-packing, disorganization and wrinkled clothes on arrival? Read on for our favorite tips.

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“My secret to packing success is to lay everything out on the bed and then cut it in half. Then… cut it in half again. It’s the best tip for all those habitual over-packers out there (like me) who only end up wearing a fourth of what they bring. Now if only I could get myself to stick to that habit every time…”

– Heidi, President

“Bring zip-lock bags in all sizes. Your perfume will leak and ruin your eye shadow, which will then ruin everything. And when your bathing suit doesn’t dry overnight but you need to pack it in the next morning, you can—without making all your clothes moldy.”

– Vanessa, Digital Marketing Analyst

“Packing cubes have changed my life. I only own a carry-on size suitcase to keep me from over-packing, but I roll my clothes to make the most of the space. Grouping these little balls of clothing in the zippered compartments by category (shirts with shirts, dresses, and skirts together, etc.) makes it easy to find things and keeps me from having to re-roll everything in my suitcase every time I need to get something out. It’s also really easy to unpack and repack at the hotel—just put the cubes into a drawer or on a shelf in the closet and you’re done.”

– Jessie, Senior Copy Editor

“I always bring a little bottle of Downy Wrinkle Releaser to keep my clothes fresh. It’s an easy way to keep me looking put-together.”

– Brittany, Group Tour Consultant

“I never travel without these little pouches from PochetteGavotte from Etsy. They are so helpful for keeping all my little items organized.”

– Jillian, Assistant Sales Manager

“I just bought a new rucksack-style backpack for a recent trip to Spain and it worked out awesome—being able to roll it down or open it up for more stuff makes life easy.”

– Bryant, Creative Director

“I keep a toiletries bag ready to go for any trip. It has everything I need in it—toothbrush, toothpaste, travel shampoo and conditioner, q-tips, floss, deodorant, moisturizer, face wash, even perfume. That way I don’t have to repack every time and I know I have everything I want in it. This trick was passed on to me by an art consultant who travels over 180 days a year to shows all over the world. It was a revelation!”

– Robin, Director of Group Sales & Marketing

“Stick to one color scheme and pack pieces you can mix, match and layer. This makes it super easy to pack light and wear your stuff over again without anybody noticing!”

— Melissa, Social Media Specialist

“I love using every nook and cranny—socks inside of shoes, phone chargers and cords inside of glasses cases…”

– Michelle, Customer Relations Representative

“This might not make packing easier, but a carry-on cocktail kit is a nice reward for packing so well.”

— Angus, Senior Customer Relations Representative

How do you make packing for your trip easier? Tell us on our Facebook page or browse our tours now!

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Go Ahead Tours team

We’re a team of passionate travel experts, dedicated to helping people explore the world. From inspiring stories to tips for an amazing trip, the topics we cover are all about getting you out there and making discoveries.

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